- 50 FAQs About AVT by Warren Estabrooks
- A Child With a Hearing Loss in Your Classroom? Don’t Panic!! (A Guide for Teachers) by Amanda J. Mangiardi
- A Critical Examination of Different Approaches to Communication by Wendy Lynas, Alan Huntington, Ivan Tucker
- A Lipreading Practice Manual for Teenagers and Adults by Medary Ricke Copeland
- A Parent’s Guide to Middle Ear Infection by Dorinne S. Davis
- A Short Survey of Some Common or Important Ear Disease by H. Engstrom & B. Engstrom
- A Sound Beginning by The Canadian Hearing Society
- A Sound Foundation Through Early Amplification 2001 by Richard C. Seewald and Judith S. Gravel
- A Synthetic Approach to Lip Reading by George S. Haspiel
- Activities for the Classroom and Beyond by Association for Childhood Education International
- Advancing the Inclusion of People with Disabilities by Government of Canada
- Alexander Graham Bell by Elizabeth Rider Montgomery
- An Introduction to Cochlear Implants by Stuart Rosen
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism by Boyd V. Sheets
- Anna’s Silent World by Bernard Wolf
- Assessment in Special and Remedial Education by Salvia-Yseldyke
- Auditory Verbal Therapy for Parents and Professionals by Warren Estabrooks
- Auditory Communication for the Hard of Hearing by Herbert J. Oyer
- Auditory-Verbal Therapy and Practice by Warren Estabrooks
- Better English Usage. A guide for the Deaf by Bernard L. Greenberg & Sarah Withers
- Books for Deaf Children: A Grade Annotated Bibliography by Marry Griffin Newton
- Caring for Your Disabled Child by Benjamin Spockand, & Marion Lerrigo
- Chats With Johnny’s Parents by Audrey Simmons-Martin,
- Children with Cochlear Implants by Mary Ellen Nevins & Patricia M. Chute
- Choices in Deafness: A Parents’ Guide to Communication Options by Sue Schwartz
- Classroom Acoustics: Understanding Barriers to Learning by Carl Crandell and Joseph J. Smaldino
- Cochlear Implants A Handbook by Bonnie Poitras Tucker
- Cochlear Implants Auditory-Training Guidebook by Dave Sindrey
- Cochlear Implants for Kids by Warren Estabrooks
- Deaf children at Home and at School by DMC Dale
- Deafness – The Invisible Handicap by Judy Rebick
- Deafness in Infancy and Early Childhood by Peter J. Fine
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Hearing Impairment in Children by Dennis G. Pappas
- Disorders of VOICE by Margaret G. L. Green
- Elementary Hearing Science by Lawrence J. Deutsch & Alan M. Richards
- Facilitating Hearing and Listening in Young Children by Carol Flexer
- For parents of Very Young Deaf Children by Grace M. Harris
- Foundation of Spoken Language for Hearing Impaired Children by Daniel Ling
- Fun to Grow on by Virginia K. Morin
- Hear & Listen! Talk & Sing! by Warren Estabrooks
- Hearing and Deafness by Hallowell Davis
- Hearing Impaired Children by C. Griffiths
- Hearing Impairment, Auditory Perception and Language Disability by John Bamford and Elaine Saunders
- Hearing in Children by Jerry L. Northern & Marion P. Downs
- Hearing Some Note on Structure and Function by H.& B Engstrom
- Hearing Impaired Children in the Mainstream by Mark Ross
- How the Student With Hearing Loss Can Succeed in the College by Carol Flexer & Denise Wray
- How to Get the Most Out of Your Hearing Aid by Joan M. Armbruster & Maurice H. Miller
- How We Hear the Story of Hearing by Judith Fryer
- I Hear That! A Developmental Sequence of Listening
- Activities for the Young Child by Winifred H. Northcott
- I Have a Sister, My Sister is Deaf by Jeanne Whitehouse Peterson
- Join in Learning to Listen by Dorothy Scott and Nana Ho
- Kid-Friendly Parenting With Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children by Daria J. Medwid & Denise Chapman Weston
- Language & Teaching by Peter Herriot
- Language Development in Deaf and Partially Hearing Children by D.M.C. Dale
- Language Disorders in Children by Frank R. Kleffner
- Leaning to Listen by Pat Vaughan
- Learning to Hear by D.B. Fry & Edith Whetrall
- Let’s Converse: A “How-to” Guide to Develop and Expand Conversational Skills by Nancy Tye-Murray
- Lipreading for a More Active Life by Mae Fisher
- Listen to This, Volume 1 (book and video) by Estabrooks, MacIver-Lux, Katz, De Melo
- Listen to This, Volume 2 (book and DVD) by Estabrooks, MacIver-Lux, Katz, De Melo
- Listening Games for Little Ones by Dave Sindrey
- Listening to Learn:. A handbook for parents with hearing impaired children by Gail Schiel, Margaret Smith,
- Literacy Learning For Children who are Deaf of Hard of Hearing by Lyn Robert
- Lively Lipreading lessons by Mae Fisher
- Looking Back Looking Forward by Anne Griffith Dorothy Scott
- Make Your Shelter Accessible by Kary English
- My Friends Big Talk and Little Talk Hearing AIDS by Mary Rose Costello
- Natural Language for Deaf Children by Mildred A. Groert
- Not Deaf Enough: Raising a Child Who is Hard of Hearing by Patricia Ann Morgan Candlish,
- Oliver Get Hearing Aids by Maureen Cassidy Riski & Nicolas Klakow
- Oliver FM by Maureen Cassidy Riski
- Oral Interpreting Principles and Practices by Winfred H. Northcott
- Parents and Teachers: Partners in Language Development by S. Richards-Martin & Karen Glover Rossi
- Parents in Action: A Handbook of Experiences With Their Hearing Impaired Children by Grant B. Bitter
- Reading and the Hearing Impaired Individual by Robert E. Kretschmer
- Reading Between the Lips by Lew Golan
- Science for Deaf Children by Allan Leitman
- Self Advocacy by Kristina M. English
- Speech and Deafness by Donald R. Calvert and Richard Silverman
- Speech and the Deaf Child by Irene R. Ewing
- Speech and the Hearing-Impaired Child: Theory and Practice by Daniel Ling
- Speech Reading: An Aid to Communication by Joan Erickson
- Teaching Reading to Deaf Children by Beatrice Ostern Hat
- Teaching Social Skills to Hearing Impaired Students by Patrick J. Schloss, Maureen A. Smith
- The Cause of Profound Deafness in Childhood by George R. Fraser
- The Classroom Note Taker by Jimmie & Joan Wilson
- The Deaf Child by D.B. Fry & Edith Whetrall
- The Development of Speech by Paula Menyuk
- The First Three Years of Life by Burton L. White
- The Hearing Impaired Child in a Regular Classroom by Winfred H. Northcott
- The Language of Toys by Sue Schwartz and Joan Heller Miler
- The Psychology of Deafness by Helmer R. Nyklebust
- The Silent Garden: Understanding the Hearing Impaired Child by Paul W. Ogden & Suzanne Lipsept
- The Story of Lipreading by Fred Dland
- The World They Need by Jessica Stelling
- The Young Deaf Child by David M. Luterman & Ellen Kurtzer
- Through the Barriers of Deafness and Isolation by V. Morkovin
- Tim and His Hearing Aid by Eleanor C. Ronnie & Joan Porter
- Toward Excellence in Listening by Zaim Riza Razack
- Understand Feelings by MacDonald & Stanwix
- We Can Hear and Speak! by Carol Flexer & Catherine Richards
- We Learn to Speak by Warren Estabrooks
- Wired for Sound: A Journey into Hearing by Beverly Biderman
- Written Language Assessment & Intervention Links to Literacy by John L. Luckner
- You Are Not Alone by Terry and Tannis Jarvis
- Your Child’s Hearing Loss: What Parents Need to Know by Debby Waldman & Jackson Roush
- A VOICE For Life (video)
- Acoustics, Audition and Speech Reception (video)
- Bringing Sound To Life (video)
- CBC Hands Across the Arctic (video)
- Damage Your Hearing and It Won’t Come Back (video)
- Do You Hear That? (video)
- Dreams Are Spoken Here (video)
- Hear the Difference. Oral Deaf Education (DVD)
- Hear the Difference.. Oral Deaf Education (Video)
- Hearing and Hearing Loss
- I Can Hear (video)
- I Hear What You Say (video)
- Infant Hearing Program (video)
- Learning to Listen (video)
- Listen Hear (video)
- Listen to This: Volume 1. Warren Estabrooks (book & video)
- Listen to This: Volume 2. Warren Estabrooks (book & DVD)
- Mystery of the Senses: Hearing (video)
- Nucleus Cochlear Implant Systems: Getting Started For Parents (video)
- Parent Advocacy Training Toolbox (DVD)
- Sound and Fury (video)
- Speaking for Myself (video)
- The Rewards Are So Amazing. Oral Deaf Education (CD)
- Twins: A Cochlear Implant Story (video)
- Understanding Developmental Disabilities (video)
- VOICE: Breaking the Silence (video)
- VOICE for Hearing Impaired Children (video)
- What to Expect at a Child’s Hook-up (video)
- You Can Do It! (video)