Sign language is best learned in-person but as we face unprecedented times we encourage those interested in sign language to access the resources we trust below.
Signed Stories (Stories that user has choice of watching the signer and/or reading along)
ASL Word Search (practice alphabet letters)
My Signing Time (Signing Time and Signing Time Sentences video learning)
Marlee Signs (Teaching by a Deaf actress, Marlee Matlin)
Websites: (Wealth of information, dictionary, YouTube videos, Deaf culture, etc.)
Signing Time (Dictionary, PDF's, YouTube videos, etc.)
Handspeak (Great resource for learning new words, videos are used to show vocabulary)
Signing Savvy (Great resource for learning new words, videos are used to show vocabulary)
ASL Nook (A family that uses and teaches ASL together with practical easy to learn themes)
RMDSCO (Fantastic videos of popular stories in ASL, led by Deaf individuals no sound)
Aunt Alice ASL TV (Fantastic videos of popular stories in ASL, led by Deaf individuals no sound)
Remember, take caution when searching for ASL learning material as there are more than 250 sign languages in the world and sometimes new learners may not be able to tell which language is being used. (eg. British - BSL vs American - ASL, etc.) Ensure the language is American Sign Language (ASL), usually it is stated somewhere on the app/website you are viewing.
We want to see you signing at home! Upload a video to either Twitter or Facebook tagging us using NLCLASS and share your message with other learners just like you! Check out our Twitter page to see students signing "Stay Home, Stay Safe". Other ideas could be signing "I love you," "Be careful," "Wash hands," etc. Remember to challenge your friends, teachers and family too! The more we share, the more we learn and grow.
#StayHomeStaySafeASLChallenge Rules:
1. Get challenged
2. Accept the challenge and complete it within 24 hours
3. Videotape it and post to Twitter or Facebook tagging NLCLASS and #StayHomeStaySafeASLChallenge
Videos should include you signing your message and then state "I accepted the Stay Home Stay Safe ASL Challenge" from CLASS (or whomever challenged you) and now challenge...stating three more people who have to complete it within 24 hours.
Signed Stories (Stories that user has choice of watching the signer and/or reading along)
ASL Word Search (practice alphabet letters)
My Signing Time (Signing Time and Signing Time Sentences video learning)
Marlee Signs (Teaching by a Deaf actress, Marlee Matlin)
Websites: (Wealth of information, dictionary, YouTube videos, Deaf culture, etc.)
Signing Time (Dictionary, PDF's, YouTube videos, etc.)
Handspeak (Great resource for learning new words, videos are used to show vocabulary)
Signing Savvy (Great resource for learning new words, videos are used to show vocabulary)
ASL Nook (A family that uses and teaches ASL together with practical easy to learn themes)
RMDSCO (Fantastic videos of popular stories in ASL, led by Deaf individuals no sound)
Aunt Alice ASL TV (Fantastic videos of popular stories in ASL, led by Deaf individuals no sound)
Remember, take caution when searching for ASL learning material as there are more than 250 sign languages in the world and sometimes new learners may not be able to tell which language is being used. (eg. British - BSL vs American - ASL, etc.) Ensure the language is American Sign Language (ASL), usually it is stated somewhere on the app/website you are viewing.
We want to see you signing at home! Upload a video to either Twitter or Facebook tagging us using NLCLASS and share your message with other learners just like you! Check out our Twitter page to see students signing "Stay Home, Stay Safe". Other ideas could be signing "I love you," "Be careful," "Wash hands," etc. Remember to challenge your friends, teachers and family too! The more we share, the more we learn and grow.
#StayHomeStaySafeASLChallenge Rules:
1. Get challenged
2. Accept the challenge and complete it within 24 hours
3. Videotape it and post to Twitter or Facebook tagging NLCLASS and #StayHomeStaySafeASLChallenge
Videos should include you signing your message and then state "I accepted the Stay Home Stay Safe ASL Challenge" from CLASS (or whomever challenged you) and now challenge...stating three more people who have to complete it within 24 hours.